The WTS's history of the "Great Crowd", "Anointed", and so on is complex. I cover this in my Studies at:
The Studies are searchable, so look for terms such as Jonadabs, Great Crowd, etc.
In 1931, Rutherford applied the term "Jehovah's Witnesses" exclusively to the 144,000 Anointed. It took some 15 years before the term was gradually extended to the Great Crowd.
Up to say the 1930s, the term "Great Crowd" was said to refer to the lost. For example:
The “great multitude” will not survive Armageddon, because they are not of the “church of the firstborn”. … God’s promise is to preserve a remnant, and not a vast multitude. The “great multitude” are appointed to die. The Scriptures also show that the Jonadab class will survive Armageddon.(The Watchtower and Herald of Christ’s Presence, March 15, 1934, page 92)
Such changes should not come as a surprise, as most will remember the recent change in which the "Faithful and Discreet Slave Class" was amended from the 144,000 to the Governing Body.